
I have a 2002 540it that I have a diagnostic laptop that I use on it. It contains working versions of SSS, BMW Scanner, INPA, DIS. just about everything. it all works just fine on my E39. My brother has a 2002 530i that we cannot get any of the software to work on. We usually get the ubiquitous cannot connect to the EWS error. None of the software will interfere with his E39. They are within 4 months build day of each other. PS: 1.4 uses its "special" OBD II connector, but the others use a generic OBD II connector.

BMW Scanner aka PA Soft is available in 3 versions, each with different interfaces. V1.4.0 is for cars up to circa 2001, v2.1.0 does up to 2006 and you need v2.2.0 for DCAN cars. His car should communicate exactly the same as yours with INPA and DIS. If not, the problem is more than likely to be with the car rather than the software. Check Fuses 15 and 25, there is no alternative diagnostic port. Also make sure that pins 4 & 5 of the OBD port are properly grounded.

    BMW Scanner INPA DIS

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